The future stands still, dear Mr. Kappus, but we move in infinite space. - Ranier Maria Rilke, Letters to a Young Poet

Wednesday, July 23, 2008

Letter 19

Dear Josephine,

I was unable to decipher your voicemail message from the chatter in the background, or perhaps the disapproval I heard edging into your voice, and voted against returning your call. Please accept this letter as my sincerest apologies in not writing to you for nearly two months.

I've been to Ohio to D.C. and back again, and am happy to finally be home for one week as I've missed my bed and that element of stability (shocking I know). Lately life has been very stressful at work and at home, and I'm trying to go day-by-day, which is proving to be easier than I thought. I pegged myself a planner as I've been writing "to do" lists since the age of 5, but I think I've mellowed in the recent months.

I've stopped my frantic search for rusty terrains and have devoted myself to groundings and morning walks and d.c. humidity. I'm sure the terrains will once again dominate my dreams, but for now I am content to walk this same path. Everything looks better and its only been a year since this journey has begun. How can so much change in 12 months?

I won an award at work and really want to splurge on this cute dress:

(see the july 23 post)

Instead I'm putting it towards my credit card bill, which appears to refuse to remotely topple. It's frustrating.

I like this advice: "Sometimes you put walls up not to keep people out, but to see who cares enough to break them down.”

I really want to tell you more but I am exhausted and need to sleep. Tomorrow has promises for being a long day.

Love to you,


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